
We always like to remind readers that you should never go to bed with an itchy fanny, because you will wake up with a stinky finger.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tom Brady: "I Hate The Jets!"

Tom Brady has expressed his thoughts on the NY Jets, and he's clearly not afraid to ruffle any feathers. Gisele's boy-toy hates Gang Green, and he doesn't watch "Hard Knocks." Good for him, he should hate the fuckin Jets! What is this? Fuckin JV? Rex Ryan is like the prick back in 3rd grade who would rock the Charlotte Hornets Starter jacket at recess, even though he lived in fuckin Connecticut his entire life! Get a clue, Rex! That same kid would have Hi-C stains on the corners of his mouth for the rest of the fuckin day! Get a napkin, dickless! What are you waiting for!!! Wipe your face off! I hope Brady's comments spark things up between the Jets & Patriots this upcoming season, and I think Brady should take it even further! If I'm Tom Brady, then I'm simply gonna tell Rex and the Jets to kiss my fuckin ass, and call it a love story! Simple as that! Tell Rex to slam his prick in some leftover birthday cake! As long as he can find the fuckin thing!!! He's a member of the Dicky Do Club!!! His tummy sticks out more than his dickey does!


  1. Pmac,
    All of us Pricks in the gallery are wondering what your plans are for Avitar 2? Are you gonna wear your home Farve jersey or away Bosh jersey?

  2. I'll be wearing neither, those pricks don't deserve to even have the jerseys sold in stores!
