
We always like to remind readers that you should never go to bed with an itchy fanny, because you will wake up with a stinky finger.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Weekend Chowder

Tara Reid... I love trashy girls and Tara is no exception. Have any of the readers noticed most girls named Tara use their undies to keep their ankles warm instead of their Hoo-Ha? I have. I would never name my daughter Tara... Has there ever been a Queen Tara? Princess Tara? First lady Tara? Dr. Tara? Didn't think so. Well my perfect date with this Tara would probably start something like this:

Tommy Shots: It rubs the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again.
Tara: What? I am scared
Tommy Shots: Come here Tara.

Oh well, I can dream too...

1 comment:

  1. Well thank Tara Reid's tart tasting tuccus for Tommy Shots, I wouldn't be able to deal with no blogs from PricksRus with Prickmac in Milwaukee South for the weekend.....
