
We always like to remind readers that you should never go to bed with an itchy fanny, because you will wake up with a stinky finger.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Loser Du Jour...

PricksRus would like to give Terrell Owens some advice - FIND AN ORPHANAGE!!! No NFL teams want you, pal, so give it a fuckin rest! Do us all a favor, and go buy another fuckin Ed Hardy t-shirt, you loser. Seriously, the lead singer from Nickelback called, he wants his wardrobe back!!! Nobody drops more balls than T.O., and nobody cries more than this fuckin prick either. What has Owens ever won? The answer is nothing! I don't know, maybe it's me, maybe I woke up on the wrong side of the fuckin bed this morning! Maybe I have no fuckin choice because I sleep on a fuckin couch! My goodness! The last thing I need is to wake up and hear Owens bitching about not having a job besides that God-awful tv show he has on VH1! I have bigger fish to fry! I have to make sure I roll my eyes, and give dirty looks to every flamer that's riding a fuckin skateboard, so how in the fuck could I have time for a guy that isn't even half as cool as Tyrese! I'm tired of it! Go back to San Francisco where you belong, Terrell! Hop in your P.T. Loser, and get fuckin lost, you creep!


  1. where's the chowder de jour? what are you guys faggots now?

  2. PMAC, WHO ARE YOU KIDDING?!?! You are the kinda guy that rides your skateboard to meet everyone on the opening episode of The Real World, while I'm the guy that fucks all of the female roommates by the 4th episode...
