
We always like to remind readers that you should never go to bed with an itchy fanny, because you will wake up with a stinky finger.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tirico Shows True Colors...

Mike Tirico just can't get enough of being away from his family these days, seriously, this guy's home life must rank up there with gems like Spencer and Heidi. As if snowplowing hookers in South Africa for the World Cup wasn't enough, now Tirico needs to test the shellfish up in Scotland for the British Open! Does this fuckin guy ever spend time with his family? He can't get outta town fast enough!!! Tirico has obviously never heard Vito Corleone preach, "A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man." What does Tirico care about "The Godfather" though, right? He's probably jizzing in his pants over the "Despicables" these days, because he's such a mammoth-sized stiff. Have you ever listened to Tirico's radio show? It's brutal, you'll be passed out faster than Oksana Grigorieva when she knows Mel wants a blow job in the jacuzzi. Trust me.

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