
We always like to remind readers that you should never go to bed with an itchy fanny, because you will wake up with a stinky finger.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Brothers McVick

Alright well first of all don't count on me taking this story in the traditional direction. I don't really care about dogfighting. Got it? One of my lifelong dreams is to be a Cockfighting promoter and slumlord in a third world country, so how can I look down on a couple of Gents trying to eek out a living fighting canines? My biggest problem with the Vick's has to be the stupidity and the inability of the human gene pool to "sort these guys out." Have they ever heard of a fall guy? How about a hit man? I won't even fix a leaky toilet myself for one reason... I suck at plumbing. These guys absolutely BLOW at breaking the law so why would you not hire someone? It just shows poor judgement. The latest brush with the law involves a shooting at a nightclub during Michael Vick's birthday celebration. Two questions have to pop into your head. 1. Why don't people get shot at my birthday parties? 2. If these two guys are not a threat to society... Then why do we even have jails? We need a fucking plan to deal with these characters. I suggest a total fucking cleansing of their family genes. I don't think killing is necessary, just maiming and definite castration for the males.

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