
We always like to remind readers that you should never go to bed with an itchy fanny, because you will wake up with a stinky finger.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Loser Du Jour...

Jon "Bald Beaver" Miller and Joe "Smelly Hair" Morgan will not be brought back for ESPN Sunday Night Baseball after finishing their 21st season together. Sionara, losers! Hey, Joe! What the fuck do you expect to happen when you consistently make things up on air? Facts are called facts for a reason, Morgan! Now go bury that dome of yours in a bucket of Pert Fuckin Plus! Do us all a fuckin favor! You smell worse than Jamal from Slumdog Millionaire, after he takes the plunge in shit! Jon Miller? How about you wear that yellow shirt with the white collar one more fuckin time, you fuckin fuck! Who buys your ties? Boy George or Jack Twist? Barry Bonds called, he wants another handjob, Jon! Sweet spelling of your first name by the way, who did you cheat off of in class? Billy Madison? Who did you lose your virginity to, Jon? Mary fuckin Poppins?!? You fuckin suck! All I have to say is I'm glad these fuckin losers are gone, because they can't call a game if their lives depended on it. They are nothing but a couple of overrated faggots, who only care about their own personal schticks, and their egos are much bigger than their dicks! Later, Losers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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